The Bill (Reg. No. 1146) aims at legislative regulation of funding of the Centres of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, Children Social and Psychological Rehabilitation Centres and Shelters for Minors, Social and Psychological Aid Centres, Centres of Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with Functional Constraints, Mother and Child Social Centres, Social Hostels, Centres for HIV-infected Children and Youth.

Inter alia, the Bill introduces changes and amendments to Articles 88, 89, 90 of the Budget Code that envisage clear-cut funding mechanism for such centres for the funds allocated from the local budgets for social protection of the public that are taken into consideration whilst determining the rate of inter-budget transfers.

The People´s Deputies emphasized that keeping of one center, designed for simultaneous stay of 50 children, requires 600 thousand Hryvnias annually. They believe that opening of such centres in every region will require 16,2 million Hryvnias from the State budget annually.

In particular, keeping of one Social and Psychological Aid Centre requires 330 thousand Hryvnias; Centre of Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with Functional Constraints - 260 thousand Hryvnias; Mother and Child Social Centre - 240 thousand Hryvnias; Social Hostel -  240 thousand Hryvnias; Centre for HIV-infected Children and Youth - 240 thousand Hryvnias.

The Committee believes that adoption of the Bill will enhance activity of the Centres of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, administrative, organizational and legal provision of social work with children, youth and families; extend the sector and improve quality of social services for children, youth and families.  

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